Pastor Mike Galles of the Cabo English Church in Cabo San Lucas had to make an urgent out-of-town visit this past weekend. Richard was honored when Pastor Mike asked him to preach on Sunday, September 9 at both the 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. services (the p.m. service is not a bible study but is actually a complete repeat of the morning service for those who cannot make it in the morning). Pastor Mike has met with us on several visits and we really appreciate his heart and his ministry.
Several people responded to a message on revival from Psalm 119 during both the morning and evening altar calls. The call was for those who wanted the Lord to create a new heart in them. The presence of the Lord was exceptionally heavy in the morning and the Lord gave several significant words of knowledge.
In the evening service, two teen girls came forward for new hearts. During the translation, Tony Hernandez (one of our Cabo friends) realized they had never accepted the Lord and led them in a prayer of salvation.