Beto grew up between the United States and Mexico, but is another example of parents who never bothered to get citizenship for their children. By the time he was in his late teens, he was well engrossed into ‘gang life,’ including criminal activity. He was imprisoned in the United States and was eventually deported to Mexico.
When Beto was first deported, he lived with Pastor Carlos’ family for a period of time, but he wasn’t ready for the lifestyle of Pastor Carlos’ family−or their rules−and was soon on his own in Cabo. It wasn’t long before he was arrested and placed in our local prison. He served three years there, and during that time, Pastor Carlos faithfully visited him on a regular basis and faithfully kept talking to him about Christ. Eventually, Pastor Carlos led him to the Lord. When he got out of prison, he was able to quickly get a job at one of our larger hotels since he is bi-lingual. He is now blessed by the Lord. He is very personable and gentle, and we have greatly enjoyed our times together with him.
After he was released, Beto took on the responsibility of raising−not only his son−but also Betito’s stepbrother. Pastor Carlos’ family is providing childcare for the two boys while Beto works six days a week. They are also allowing Beto and the boys to stay in the former church ‘parsonage’ in back of the church at Lomas del Sol. Through God’s favor, Beto’s employer also has arranged his schedule in order for him to take a bus from where he works to where the boys go to school; then they all take the bus home to the church at Lomas del Sol.
Shopping Day
We took Beto and the boys out for pizza and then headed directly to the local “professional” skateboard store in Cabo Central. The boys had both previously had inexpensive skateboards from Walmart, but they were quickly broken. When Beto and the boys heard about the chance to buy something they wanted, they quickly choose quality skateboards. With the budget we had, the boys could only afford to get the boards (without the “trucks” (wheels)). They hugged those boards like a little girl does a doll.
The boys didn’t have to wait long for the wheels. As soon as one of our close friends heard this story, the husband asked us how much we thought the wheels would cost and handed us $150 to cover the cost of the wheels!
Along with their boards, Beto bought some ‘winter’ clothing for the boys and a Lakers’ baseball cap for himself. For Beto’s daughter in the United States, Candy, we purchased a “sling bag” in the United States and sent it to California with some spending money and a Christmas card from Beto.
Thank-you for everyone who made this Christmas special for Beto and his children!