One of the big pieces: It was January of 2010 when the Lord began to place the call to Los Cabos on Richard’s and my hearts. We were attending a Lance Wallnau Conference at the RIU Hotels in Cabo San Lucas and the evening speaker was Bob Bradbury. Bob had also been with Lance the previous September when one of the sub-directors of the RIU Palace, Victor Castellanos, was mightily touched by God. Victor had come into the conference room at Lance’s conference to make sure everything was all right. When Bob laid hands on Victor, he prayed for the Spirit of God to touch him, and God did! By the time the Holy Spirit lifted from Victor that night, he had accepted the Lord and been filled with the Holy Spirit. In fact, as Victor was leaving the conference room, he crossed paths with the husband of one of the conference attendees, so he prayed for the man like Bob had prayed for him. This man was also touched in a very special way by the Holy Spirit and the power of God gave Victor two witnesses of a walk with the Lord, previously unknown to him. Since that first conference in January of 2010, Victor and his family have been very dear to us, but nonetheless, the busyness of both schedules eventually led to us seeing very little of Victor, his wife Monica, young Victor and their daughter Ana Li.
As we continued waiting on the Lord to see if God’s timing was going to bring Dimitri back in November, I had a strong sense of the need to call Victor (with no idea of this unction having anything to do with Dimitri’s possible visit). As soon as we talked to Victor, immediately we knew why we had to call him and the important piece this call was to the big picture. In our time of sharing with Victor, Monica, and their family, we mentioned Father Dimitri and shared the theme of his book and purpose of his ministry. They were ecstatic that such a ministry existed and gladly agreed to help arrange a meeting for Dimitri to talk about his book with their friends.
We quickly sent an email to Dimitri and the morning after Hurricane Newton (only a category 1), Dimitri actually got a call through to our cell phones. We talked about Ron Welsh (a retired chef) being willing to cook a meal for guests, with Dimitri sharing the truths in his book after dinner. Father Ramon and our precious friends in the Charismatic Catholic Church in San Jose will be among the first to be invited. We are very grateful for this opportunity to meet with them again. The Lord had now given us a time and a reason for Dimitri to visit, refreshed a precious friendship, and made room for more fellowship with new friends.
Within just a little under a week, and after several contacts with Father Dimitri, we have a tentative date for a complementary dinner, at an easily accessible, non-sectarian venue, the evening of November 6. The following evening, November 7, will be Victor and Monica’s night to invite their friends and acquaintances to be their guests to meet Father Dimitri, ask any questions they might have about his book (and have him sign one if they would like). This will be an informal time of sharing and dialogue.
This is another example of what God is doing on behalf of the people of Los Cabos. Since we absolutely know he is behind all this, we will continue to wait for him to show us what the rest of the puzzle pieces are for this picture. Meanwhile, we ask that you labor with us in prayer for a non-sectarian venue for the Sunday night dinner/lecture, with cooking facilities for Ron (hopefully for free), as well as for extra funds for at least a thousand invitation flyers for area churches to invite their members to the RSVP dinner, as well as for any other unforeseen expenses for this wonderful event, which is exceedingly, abundant above all that we could ask or think!