For many years, our paradigm of the harvest only encompassed countless souls being brought into the kingdom. However, we may not have understood the magnitude of what God’s grand finale might look like. Scripture never changes, but many times the Lord expands our understanding of the application of a scripture to the world around us. On the opening night, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our world, expounded on Psalm 2:8, “Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.” To hear Ed’s short teaching on this verse, as well as to watch footage of the opening night of the conference, watch the video below or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQdICr4jh8Y
Having nations as our inheritance and the ends of the earth as our possession will mean nothing upon entering heaven. “Inheritance” and “possession” speak of rewards, on this earth, from our spiritual service to the Lord. Each child of God has the opportunity to affect the sphere of influence around them through the power of the risen Christ within them−realized through the person of the Holy Spirit in the daily lives of everyday people.
As the reaping of the End Time Harvest increases, the number of Christians and the presence of God on the earth will escalate exponentially, radically affecting the world in which we live. What a wonderful time this is to live on the earth as we see “greater works” happening around the world through the multi-membered body of Christ!
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. −John 14:12
There is no way I can express with a blog the magnitude of what was shared over many hours at this conference. I know you will want to encourage your heart by listening to at least some of the footage of the conference available by pasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oJk8PzOtEw into your browser or by watching the YouTube video below.
We do want to thank Claudia Cardenas and family for being our first delegates to a TOW conference from Los Cabos, MX. Claudia, her husband Mauricio, and their family were located in Los Cabos for part of 2015-2016. During their stay in our area, they were eager co-laborers with us for the Carlos Annacondia Crusade. Their presence at the conference was a huge surprise and a great blessing to us!