We have used Ed Silvoso’s material for several years and consider ourselves “transformation missionaries” since God’s purpose in sending us to Los Cabos is to proclaim His intention of a spiritual outpouring that will change the face of our area. Meanwhile, we are pouring our lives and the presence of God into every area of need the Lord shows us, until we see the evidences of real transformation, such as the multitude of testimonies we heard this past week. I cannot even begin to relate in this blog the phenomenal changes the Lord is making in entire geographic areas, governments, businesses, schools−every area of life on this earth. Many of the testimonies we heard are from countries around the world that have been applying the practical principles of transformation for more than fifteen years. The accounts (including statistics) of the amazing events in these countries, along with some cities in the United States, bring great encouragement, as well as portray God’s purpose of redemption in the earth.
The main event was held at the Cathedral of Faith in San Jose, CA. This church complex has expanded and evolved since its beginning in the late 80’s. The Cathedral is a city ministry that is impacting and changing its sphere of influence through meeting the needs of those around them, followed by introducing God’s great love and provision for them in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Poncho Murgia, who God has used and is using in Juarez, MX, shared continued, powerful transformation in Ciudad Juarez. One of our favorites, which we will be working to implement as soon as our newly elected officials take office, is “Alvanza Sin Tranza” or Thrive without bribes. Corruption and bribes are one of Mexico’s major problems and this program is already well on its way in Juarez and is making a difference. We have already arranged with the head of this program to plan on launching it in Los Cabos, as the authorities allow. Please pray for open doors for this initiative.
Hong Kong was one of the largest delegations at the conference. More than 50 Asian believers flew all the way to California to report the wonderful works of God in their country. The transformation of Hong Kong has been going on for several years, to the place where they are now reaching out to Taiwan and Mainland China with the Kingdom of God. In fact, 49 delegates from Taiwan came to hear and see the reports from all over the world after hearing and seeing the testimonies from Hong Kong.
We have the DVDs from the entire conference, but since we cannot invite all of you to Cabo to see them, we encourage you to check out TransformOurWorld.org, as well as some of the individual reports of area-wide transformation found on YouTube. For those of you in Los Cabos, we hope to show portions of the entire week’s DVDs over a several week period!
I cannot express with words what seeing and hearing the accounts of what God is doing in the earth will do to you. Amidst the reports of “gloom and doom” around you, the glory of the Lord is rising in the earth, right now, in our day. Look beyond the four walls of your church and ask the Holy Spirit to give you strategies to change your realm of influence! Only God can Transform Our World!