On Monday, a prayer drive was held. The pastors’ acquired the needed permits and then gathered together, behind a police escort, to drive through the city. For more than two hours, nearly 80 cars paraded through the city. The participants prayed, sang, and proclaimed the truth of God’s love and transformation as they drove through the city. The prayer drive ended in a park where we all got out and prayed, worshiped, and celebrated God some more. This was not merely hype or advertising. This was warfare! The people came prepared to take the city. They are ready to see what God is going to do. They believe it is time and they are eager to see what He has in store!
That eagerness was evident yesterday, as well. Richard and I picked up Elias and Leo from the airport in the early afternoon and then we all went to the first training session. The training had been set up in order to train ushers, intercessors, alter workers, etc. for the pre-crusade and then the main crusade in April. While we were expecting approximately 25 pastors to attend, we could not even begin to anticipate the crowd of volunteers they brought with them. There were roughly 230 volunteers in attendance! There were 50 intercessors! The church was packed. Worship was powerful! These believers were not there to put in their service hours. They were there in anticipation and with great expectation as to what God is about to do!
So, tomorrow is officially the kickoff, but let me tell you, transformation has already begun. Please keep us in your prayers throughout the weekend. We are praying for a great deliverance anointing and an outpouring of God’s presence as Los Cabos has never seen before. In unity, there is power. Please pray.