Shane Crowley, who was in the area working on rebuilding Pastor Miguel’s house (see other blogs), was able to go to the Operation Christmas Child giveaway at Cristo es el Camino in Caribe. Shane graciously agreed to take pictures for us so you could share in the excitement this program has brought to Los Cabos.
Samaritan’s Purse required that we have at least fifty churches in our area attend their pre-Christmas, full-day training session. Without this many participating churches agreeing to handle the program (according to Samaritan’s Purse’s standards), Los Cabos would not have been able to participate in the program. As it was, the only reason Los Cabos was included was due to the fact that the churches in La Paz forfeited their shoe boxes this year so that our area might have them for the first time!
A booklet explaining the plan of salvation comes in each box in the child’s native language. Pastors of the participating churches must agree to meet with each of the families, introducing Jesus as Christ to the family, as well as discipling the child/family. The families must agree to let their children attend a twelve week bible study--that is provided by Samaritan’s Purse—in order for their child/children to receive a box. It sounds like a lot of responsibility, but after years of delivering shoe boxes to the nations, Samaritan’s Purse knows what needs to be done in order for this program to not be abused and remain an evangelical outreach.
While we have donated boxes in the United States before, it is truly a privilege to see how much these presents mean to the children and what an exciting opportunity this outreach is to share Jesus!