Most recently, they ministered at Pastor Carlos Maciel’s mother church, Cristo es el Camino-Lomas del Sol, for the first time. I would like to relate two extra special testimonies of changed lives from that night...
The first testimony is that of Pastor Carlos’ sister. She and her two young children had to flee from their hometown due to extremely dangerous conditions (until her husband could relocate the family). Richard and I were blessed to spend much time with the family and have become very fond of them; not only because they are relatives of Pastor Carlos, but also because of her Christian character and faithful service. She and her children went on visitation in Tierra y Libertad with us for many weeks. Although she doesn’t actually speak English, she had been around English enough that she could understand my Spanish—even when I wasn’t right on. The standing joke was she translated my Spanish with Spanish for the rest of the evangelism team.
Shortly after we met, she came down with severe abdominal pain and had to be taken to the hospital. She was soon sent home, but had recurring similar symptoms. The night that Sam and Karen ministered, the Lord miraculously delivered her from a lifetime of chronic illness. From what Pastor Carlos later said, she had suffered from frequent infirmity since she was a young child. By the time the night was over, she had been transformed; she went from having a tired, painful look on her face, to being able to relax while smiling from ear to ear.
The second testimony is equally amazing! We had arranged for a translator for Sam and Karen as they spoke at Pastor Carlos’ church, but there was only one translator for ministry time. Richard had heard one young man speak excellent English, so presuming he was one of Pastor Carlos’ men, he asked the young man to translate for Karen. Since the ministry time was powerful, this young man was greatly exposed to the power of God that night. When the ministry time was over, one of the sisters from the church asked for prayer for this young man for salvation. Since he had translated with all his heart, he had looked like a believer, so Richard asked the sister why she thought he didn’t have a personal relationship with the Lord. Her reply revealed another wonder worked by God: the young man had just come into town and was renting one of her rooms. She clearly knew he had not accepted the Lord and invited him for the first time that night to church−he just happened to be fluent in English. He gladly accepted Jesus as his savior and related how he had originally moved to Los Cabos to work in a town known for its night life, but that his purpose for living in Los Cabos had now changed.
We want to give a big “thank-you” to the faithfulness of God, to Sam and Karen Knapp for their ministry, as well to our dear brother, Pastor Carlos Maciel, for his openness in sharing his pulpit.
Praise be to God, Who transforms lives, cities and even nations!