Our translator was not able come, so Pastor Carlos told Richard to try to preach in Spanish and Pastor Carlos would help him with specific words or with difficult explanations if Richard needed it. In true form, being the man who can instantly talk about anything, Richard actually preached in Spanish with very little help! This was truly amazing since neither of us are anywhere near fluent in Spanish yet. Richard had a great time!
As we shared in our last newsletter, Pastor Carlos was asked by the owner of the empty lot next to the church if he would like to rent the lot for a year. The landlord had Pastor Carlos name the price and we are all thrilled since Carlos’ three services, in addition to Sunday School, were full and flowing into the street!
Pastor Carlos has use of the lot for a year, so the expansion is being built in a way that any structures could be moved if necessary at the end of the year, depending on what the landlord might ask for at that time. It’s hard to imagine, but there are very few empty lots in the barrios of Los Cabos, including in the areas many of us would not want to minister or live in.
As a ministry, we have been able to give some financial help with the addition, which includes a church office, Sunday School rooms, and bathrooms, along with almost doubling the size of the sanctuary. Depending on the quality of the structure, Pastor Carlos will need between $3,000 and $5,000 USD to complete the project. In our four years of friendship and working with Pastor Carlos, he has never asked for money. He is a man of God who looks to God for all provision and will just stop building and wait on the Lord when his current funds run out.
We want to make this need known. It is a great investment in the lives of many people, with a relatively small amount of money needed. If you would like to give towards this project, please just contact us and we’ll plan the best method to get the money to Los Cabos.
Thank-you, continually, for your love, prayers and financial generosity!