Although ‘Gama’ has been a friend of Pastor Carlos’ since his youth and is now a friend of ours as well, we chose him because of the call of God on his life (we just have the privilege of being able to be blessed by his ministry before his calendar is continually filled years in advance). Gama is an evangelist with a precious call from the Lord, a powerful heritage in the Lord, as well as a powerful anointing for healing and evangelism. In Gama’s humility, the Lord will be able to use him mightily in the coming days of end-time harvest.
Why the excitement about the crusade being on the Promised Land? At this point, we are only able to afford to rent the property for the three days of the crusade, but please don’t forget this property is a huge, two and a half acre site in an easily accessible Los Cabos residential/commercial area. We will be praying over the site from now until the event and the presence of the Lord will fall on that property and ‘marinate’ it with the Holy Spirit during the nights of the crusade.
We are praying not only for the crusade; for salvations, deliverances and healings, but also for the ability to secure the land itself for continued ministry. Our first goal is for the new location of Pastor Carlos’ “mother” church—with only God knowing exactly what else He has in mind for the Promised Land!