Neil told us they would plan on coming to visit us in Cabo in 2017. We all know that over a period of two years many things can change−especially with travel to the other side of the globe! Nonetheless, we later received an email from Neil asking if it would work for us if they returned with us to Cabo after the 2017 Transform Our World Global Conference being held once again in San Jose, CA. Of course we said yes, and what a time we had!
They had planned their visit with us as part of an itinerary of a special, long “holiday” away from Australia. Neil told us that since they had been vacationing for some time, they would love to do ministry with us during their visit to Los Cabos. Neil and Lee are seasoned saints, who have gone through severe trials for many years but have come out as “gold,” with smiles on their faces.
We all flew into Cabo on Sunday afternoon; barely got Neil and Lee settled into their hotel near us, only to pick them up for the experience of Pastor Carlos Maciel’s 6:00 p.m. service. At the end of the service, the brothers and sisters were coming up to greet Neil and Lee, and somewhere during that time I got the idea of having them pray over Manuel and Norma—a couple who have yet to be able to have children, even after many years. Before Neil and Lee prayed, they shared how strong their faith was for fertility. Lee had been told years before that she would never have children. They had been prayed for at that time and have since had four daughters—now married with wonderful grandchildren. When their story was told, I was amazed since I had no idea of what the Lord had done for them when I asked them to pray. It is amazing how the Lord uses us, even when we don’t know what He’s up to!
On Monday morning, as is our norm, we traveled to the patriotic ceremony in the San Jose Plaza in front of the Municipal Palace. Pastor Carlos joined us and we had a great time of prayer as we walked around San Jose Centro.
On Tuesday morning, we brought them to see Cabo Church’s Feeding Station in Tierra y Libertad. It has been four years since Lupe Hernandez asked me what Richard and I could do to help build and establish a church to mentor the women and children at that feeding station. We talked to Pastor Carlos, we all prayed, and that is the history of the beginning of the church we built in Tierra y Libertad. We again give thanks to Rick and Nancy Cramblet for Rick’s efforts in arranging donated funds from his employer to build this mission church in a very spiritually-needy squatter housing community.
Thursday night is “Art in the Park” in downtown San Jose. It is held between the Municipal Palace and the large Catholic mission church. We purposefully prayed as we walked around the plaza, and Richard and I were amazed, as usual, at the need that comes forth in prayer when we pray over geographic areas. We were also able to pray, in particular, with Eddie, one of the salesmen at one of the local shops. As we have opportunity, Richard and I will be watching for this man in order to continue to encourage him towards walking with the Lord.
Bill and Jacki Glaubitz, friends and co-directors of the Palabra de Vida rehabilitation center in San Jose del Cabo, graciously gave us an extra time slot on Friday in order to introduce our friends from Australia to their ministry. We asked Neil to share what was on his heart with the men and, as always, offered the men individual prayer time.
We topped the week off on Saturday by going with Pastor Carlos and our dear friend Jonathan (one of Pastor Carlos’ close circle of men) to pray over several areas, including a piece of property that would make an excellent site for the main church of Cristo es el Camino. During the time at that property, Neil had some very specific words of encouragement for Pastor Carlos, as well as for Jonathon. It was another fruitful day as we shared ministry and life stories with one another.
This trip did have to end, and early Sunday morning we bid farewell to a ministry couple with many similarities from the other side of the world. However, the story doesn’t stop there. Neil has several great ideas of how they can help with the transformation of Los Cabos from afar, and as we continue to communicate, our friendship will deepen.
Thank-you Neil and Lee for traveling all the way to Los Cabos, Mexico, and thank you for your kindness towards us and for possibly continuing to be a part of what God is doing in the tip of the Baja Peninsula!