Pastor Carlos Maciel was contacted by the Municipality of Los Cabos and asked to reschedule the crusade until after a community event the city had planned. If you recall from a previous blog, Pastor Carlos and his faithful workers were going to clean up the Lomas del Sol Community Playground−including painting all of the cement areas (removing the gang signs)−prior to holding a two-day evangelistic crusade.
We do not know how the municipalities’ decision came to be, but after Pastor Carlos asked for permission to clean up the park and have a crusade, the city decided to do repairs on the park and have its own community outreach first. As a result of this decision, Pastor Carlos was asked to reschedule his crusade for a later date in order to give the city time to complete the plans. The crusade is now scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, August 10-11.
We would like to think that the Body of Christ brought transformation to a much neglected area by shining a spotlight on it, or maybe the municipality wanted to help clean it up before the crusade. Either way, the community is being transformed, the people are being blessed, and the crusade will go on!
We will be sure to post pictures and keep you updated following the crusade. In the meanwhile, please keep praying!
Blessings to all of you!