Our longtime friends, Victor and Monica Castellanos, took charge of promoting the dinner/presentation on social media, as well as personally inviting many of their friends. Richard and I had full-color flyers printed as invitations, and personally visited and invited the majority of our local catholic priests to the evening’s activities. Our faithful friend and comrade, Lupe Hernandez, handed out flyers to her many contacts, as well as volunteering to translate both nights for us.
Our purpose for hosting Father Dimitri has been to prepare a platform from which to share the biblical foundations of the catholic faith with both protestant and catholic church attendees in our area. Just in case you are interested in finding these interesting facts out for yourself, you might be interested in reading Father Dimitri’s book, which is available in both Spanish and English on his website, www.thestainedglasscurtain.com.
The opening night was a Sunday evening and our faithful team of friends put on a lovely event, but sadly enough, there were only twelve in attendance, including the team. None-the-less, the crowd may have been small, but our friends Victor and Monica were deeply moved by the foundational biblical truths of the Catholic Church. We were extremely grateful that Victor and Monica were able to attend the presentation, as only weeks before the event Victor was notified he would be transferred to Puerto Vallarta in less than a month. They have been in Puerto Vallarta for just two weeks now, so please pray for their family in this time of total transition.
There were only nine in attendance on the second night, but one of the nine was a close friend of Victor and Monica, who was also touched by Father Dimitri’s presentation. This vibrant, young woman actually lives in the same area we do, and is one seed left in the area for the next time the doors open for Dimitri to share in Los Cabos.
As I apologized to Father Dimitri for the small crowd, he kindly told me this is a hard mission field and even if one is touched by the clear message of salvation by grace, through the atoning work of Jesus Christ presented in his book, it was all worth it. And to him, this is not just rhetoric, but the passion of his ministry.
One last thought before I close; Father Ramon from the Charismatic Catholic Church in San Jose told us he is still reading and contemplating the truths in the book. Dimitri also left a supply of his books with us and generously told us we could go back to the local catholic churches where invitations for the presentation were left, in order to give a book to each of those priests. Please continue to pray.