We started with a powerful worship time with the “Praise Dancers” rotating in and out—both young and old. After worship, we enjoyed a slide show. Pictures from the history of Cristo es el Camino—from its beginning in the rented building where we attended our first service with them in May of 2010 until now—were shown.
Victor, one of Pastor Carlos’ main men, spoke over Pastor Carlos and his family (wife Janet, daughter Paola, and sons Carlitos and Joshua) and we were invited to join in prayer over the precious family.
Since Miguel, another of Pastor Carlos’ main men, is an evangelist by spiritual gifting, Pastor Carlos asked him to give the main message, which was followed by an altar call and strong exhortation from Pastor Carlos.
The evening’s finale featured a dinner made of specialty dishes prepared by the women of the church. It was a great evening of worship, fellowship and food.
Since pictures tell a lot more than words, I hope you enjoy these photos from the evening’s festivities!