A seasoned evangelist from Annacondia Ministries will kick off the crusade on Monday, April 18, with Carlos ministering on April 19-20. The ministry will then head 100 miles north to the state capital of La Paz for three days, saturating our state with the presence of the Holy Spirit and the power of God.
The crusades will officially kick-off long before April, though. Annacondia Ministries often holds one or two pre-crusades before the official event. We have a pre-crusade slated for October 6-7, less than two months away!
As we look at all God has put together in such a short time, we realize this is an “Esther” moment for New Life Outreach—just a small ministry from Muskegon, Michigan with faithful partners, placed in Los Cabos, Mexico for the last five years—FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! We can not help but feel the King of Kings is smiling down upon us with great expectation as to what He is about to do!
Please spread the word regarding these crusades to everyone you know; tell them what God is doing in Los Cabos! This is a great time to be alive—the time in which the saints of old longed to be here for!
As always, we are only here because of you! Thank you!