Around one year ago the Lord did something life changing for Scary and Diana…
Scary was working as a waiter at one of the nicer local resorts. He had a desire to be in full-time Christian work, but as is often the case in Mexico, he needed to work full time, as well as work with Pastor Carlos Maciel and the Cristo es el Camino churches. One day he shared a word of witness to a gentleman as he waited on the man’s table. The tourist to Los Cabos, Leonard Pearson, picked up on the word and started a conversation with Scary about his relationship with the Lord. From that moment on, a friendship of Christian love developed. After hearing Scary rave about his pastor, Leonard wanted to meet Pastor Carlos. Leonard visited Pastor Carlos at his church and continued to be impressed with the Godly character and ministries of the two men.
The end to this marvelous story began with Leonard questioning Pastor Carlos as to what would help him the most with his many ministries. Pastor Carlos’ answer was to have the salary for a full-time assistant pastor−the choice for this man being Scary. Shortly after that visit, Leonard arranged with Pastor Carlos to pay Scary a monthly salary sufficient to comfortably support him and Diana, in addition to blessing Pastor Carlos’ ministries.
All of this led up to a recent, wonderful reunion with Leonard and Marcie Pearson of Washington State. Since Richard and I were also highly talked about (and have become the English speaking connection for phone conversations), we were also honored to join in on the festivities.
God continues to be amazing! Scary was faithful to be a discreet witness on the job, and Leonard was impressed. For several months already, Scary no longer has had to be bi-vocational, and God has fulfilled the desire of his heart. Pastor Carlos has the help he desperately needs, and Richard and I get to glory in another amazing testimony of God at work in the Los Cabos area!