A Call to Christian Repentance
By: Rhonda Mead
“…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” ―Mark 1:15
When the word “repent” was used in the New Testament, it was typically addressing those who did not know Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Many times the audience included those who were very religious, but had no understanding of a need for a savior. Traditionally, repentance has been taught as a need for unbelievers—to turn around 180 degrees from the present way of life, to God’s way.
Certainly, this will always be true. However, the current crisis in the Body of Christ is that most Christians have not turned from ‘their ways’ to God’s ways at hardly any degree at all. The majority of the Body of Christ is so close in their thinking and lifestyle to that of the world that they could easily turn away from the Lord, and it wouldn’t be a very big turn.
For years, as I’ve read the first half of Matthew 24, I’ve rationalized, ‘tribulationalized,’ or ignored such phrases as “many will fall away” (Matt. 24:10) and “most people’s love will grow cold” (Matt. 24:12). I just could not imagine how anyone who really knew the Lord could ever walk away from Him. As the words to a popular song resound, “If you really knew Him the way that I knew Him you’d never walk away,” but I’m deeply concerned that few believers know Him in His death and resurrection to the place where they cannot live without Him. With much agony and grief, I am now watching this happen before my very eyes―and I fear this is just the beginning.
In January 1992, the Lord gave me a short message for the Body of Christ. At the time, I found the words so foreign to my thinking. I would have doubted whether they were from God, except for the clarity of the Spirit’s voice and the power in which they came. I compared them to Matthew 24. Being confirmed by scripture, I waited to see what would come to pass. I now know, without a doubt, those words were the beginning of a proclamation to the church regarding impending danger. The message was:
“There shall come a time when my people shall no longer heed My voice. In that time there will be a great falling away. Beware lest you be one of these.”
What can be done to not be counted among those who turn their back on Him? According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary, repentance means, “to change one’s mind or purpose.” We must change our minds, get a new understanding of God’s purpose for us and lastly, develop such an intimate relationship with Jesus that we live moment by moment in complete dependence on Him.
Repentance is Changing Your Mind
Without a change of mind there will be no change. In scripture this is called the renewing of the mind. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Rom. 12:2). “That, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind,” (Eph. 4:22, 23). “If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on the earth” (Col. 3:1, 2).
We must program our computer (our brain) with the truth of God so that our operating system (our mind) has accurate data to process. This process of renewal through exposure to the truth needs to be a daily discipline. We must be willing to lay down any preconceived ideas we have held to in order to pursue the truth presented in the Bible.
If you still do not see the desperate need for repentance in the Body of Christ, maybe the following questions will paint a picture for you:
· How many Christians rationalize divorce and sex outside of marriage? Do you?
· How many Christians lie, cheat, gossip, are jealous, greedy, bitter, unkind, unforgiving, have outbursts of anger and justify their sin? Do you?
· How many Christians are so bound by their lifestyle that they are slaves to major indebtedness, work all the overtime they can get and have no time for bible study, attending church with their families or Christian fellowship as they strive for material gain? Are you?
· How many Christians rob their employers through slothfulness, excessive time taken for lunches and breaks, bringing company property home, and poor attitudes? Do you?
· How many Christians have holiness as a goal in their lives to the extent that it affects their everyday language, what they listen to and what they look at―let alone their hearts? Do you?
All of these questions can be summed up in one: How many Christians care about what God cares about more than anything else? Do you? It is time for Christians everywhere to change their minds to God’s way of thinking!
Repentance is a Change in Purpose
The second part of Vine’s definition of repentance is a “change in purpose.” Why did God leave you on this earth? What are you supposed to be doing while you’re here? The answer to purpose is also two-fold.
First of all, everyone who has been “baptized into Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:3) through new birth is destined to be transformed into the same image (II Cor. 3:18). “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined (planned [my paraphrase]) to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren” (Rom. 8:24). Of course, we didn’t receive new bodies or souls at our new birth so we don’t look like Jesus, but we did receive a new spirit. As we renew our minds and allow our spirit to rule our soul (mind, will and emotions), we will start to become like Jesus (II Cor. 4:10-11)―usually ever so slowly. God is not American and He’s not in a hurry!
Please do not try to act like Jesus, you can’t! If you could, you wouldn’t have needed Him in the first place. Your part is to choose His way. His part is to empower you. By faith, just consider His powerful life living in you (Rom. 6:4-8), and depend on His ability for your inability (grace) to change you day by day.
Why on Earth?
One reason the Lord left us on earth―as opposed to bringing us to heaven as soon as we were born again—was to leave us in an environment that would continually present us with the opportunity to choose or reject the path of righteousness. Satan’s presence on earth provides the resistance we need to overcome―to grow up in the Lord―as well as offering the option for unrighteous choices. At times, Satan is allowed to touch our lives in ways we would not choose, ways that may bring despair and disheartenment. These times offer opportunity for our faith to grow through believing God will work all things together for good, no matter how bad the circumstances surrounding us. If we had no opposition in life, we would have no strength of character. Strong north winds develop deep roots.
With these thoughts in mind, our main purpose on earth is to be conformed to the image of Christ while we still have a chance―before receiving glorified bodies. This time of transformation is also training us to rule and reign with Christ forever. The level of maturity you attain on this earth, through dying to your ways and choosing God’s ways, will largely determine what you do for eternity (not heaven or hell, of course, just your heavenly assignment). The secret to success is loving Jesus so much that you can’t stand to live without moment-by-moment communion with Him. Your times of fellowship with Him is the key to transformation. As we behold Him, we become like Him (II Cor. 3:18). If you don’t have this passion for Jesus, then ask your Heavenly Father for it.
Personal Destiny
The second part of a “change in purpose” is your personal destiny. Don’t get hung up on the word ‘destiny.’ All that means is the specific plan God has for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to bring you to an expected end.” Of course, we all want to know the end before we start, but that usually is not the way God works. By walking in moment-by-moment dependence on Him, His plan will gradually unfold. We curious, in-a-hurry-humans have a very hard time doing this, but this walk of faith is necessary for our growth. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5-7 KJV); “…and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). Don’t lose your peace over what God has called you to do. Live one day at a time, loving Jesus and faithfully doing what He has revealed to you. God gives information on a need-to-know basis. When you need to know the next step, He’ll let you know. Rick Godwin explains it this way, “When you’re lost, go back to the last place on the map you were sure of and stay there until you get further instructions.” Meanwhile, in childlike faith, enjoy the life He has given you—enjoy where He has you.
Intimacy is a necessity for a good marriage and the Body of Christ is His Bride. As the Bride of Christ, we should long for personal, quiet times with Him. Your enjoyment in your marriage to Christ will be in direct proportion to the intentional time you spend in intimate fellowship with Him. The development of an intimate relationship with Jesus will bring you to a moment-by-moment, complete dependence on Him.
In contrast to intimacy, Revelation 2:2-5 gives us a picture of what is currently happening in the Body of Christ:
“I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot endure evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them to be false; and you have perseverance and have endured for My name’s sake, and have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lamp stand out of its place - unless you repent.” –Revelation 2:2-5
At first glance, it seems like the church this scripture is addressing is doing all of the right things. They’re working hard for God, and they’re not giving up like other saints. They don’t drink, smoke, or chew, or go with those who do. What more could you ask for? The problem is not what they are doing. They are obviously doing the right things. The problem is that they have diverted their attention from Christ to works done in His name. The phrase “deeds you did at first” could be a little confusing, but let’s think of our first deeds.
In the beginning, we were so in love with Jesus that we didn’t think much about the cares and concerns of this world because we had experienced the One Who loved us when we were still sinners. We loved Him back so totally that we didn’t have to go on ‘visitation’ in order to tell others about Him because we couldn’t keep quiet. We didn’t know enough to teach, preach, lead, and govern the Body, so we had time to just spend with Him and to devour the Word. We didn’t know much about the Bible or doctrine, so we were naïve enough to pray―believing for everything, expecting answers, and leaving the rest up to Daddy. These were some of our first deeds.
Obviously, there is work to be done in order for the Body of Christ to run smoothly, but this can never replace our intimacy with our Beloved or our dependence on Him. It is important to carefully follow His leading as to where and when we are to labor. The continuing need does not constitute a call. It is the Lord’s Body, and it is up to Him to recruit the laborers and finances for His work. Until we adhere to these truths, we will be in danger of falling into the same rut as the church at Ephesus—the rut that diverted their attention away from Christ and toward works done in His name.
A Call to Repentance
God is calling us to repent. He desires for us to live forever with Him, enjoy the abundant life Jesus died to give us, and to rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom. When Christ went to the cross, defeated all Satan had imposed on mankind due to Adam’s fall, and rose from the dead, the Kingdom of God became available to us. Through renewing our minds, seeking God’s purpose for our lives, and nurturing an intimate relationship with Christ, we can begin to experience the Kingdom of God on this earth. As Christ reigns in our hearts, His life and character will begin to be ours in experience.
The church of Jesus Christ is in dire need of repentance. Without a change of mind, purpose, and level of intimacy―in the dark days ahead―there is a danger of falling away for the members of His Body. This is a matter of ‘life and death,’ for, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Prov. 14:12).
Repentance is also crucial for the end-time purposes of God. Without repentance, the Bride will never bear the image of Christ and the world will never see Jesus. He is the only One Who will draw all men unto Himself.
*All scriptures taken from the NASB unless otherwise stated.
When the word “repent” was used in the New Testament, it was typically addressing those who did not know Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Many times the audience included those who were very religious, but had no understanding of a need for a savior. Traditionally, repentance has been taught as a need for unbelievers—to turn around 180 degrees from the present way of life, to God’s way.
Certainly, this will always be true. However, the current crisis in the Body of Christ is that most Christians have not turned from ‘their ways’ to God’s ways at hardly any degree at all. The majority of the Body of Christ is so close in their thinking and lifestyle to that of the world that they could easily turn away from the Lord, and it wouldn’t be a very big turn.
For years, as I’ve read the first half of Matthew 24, I’ve rationalized, ‘tribulationalized,’ or ignored such phrases as “many will fall away” (Matt. 24:10) and “most people’s love will grow cold” (Matt. 24:12). I just could not imagine how anyone who really knew the Lord could ever walk away from Him. As the words to a popular song resound, “If you really knew Him the way that I knew Him you’d never walk away,” but I’m deeply concerned that few believers know Him in His death and resurrection to the place where they cannot live without Him. With much agony and grief, I am now watching this happen before my very eyes―and I fear this is just the beginning.
In January 1992, the Lord gave me a short message for the Body of Christ. At the time, I found the words so foreign to my thinking. I would have doubted whether they were from God, except for the clarity of the Spirit’s voice and the power in which they came. I compared them to Matthew 24. Being confirmed by scripture, I waited to see what would come to pass. I now know, without a doubt, those words were the beginning of a proclamation to the church regarding impending danger. The message was:
“There shall come a time when my people shall no longer heed My voice. In that time there will be a great falling away. Beware lest you be one of these.”
What can be done to not be counted among those who turn their back on Him? According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary, repentance means, “to change one’s mind or purpose.” We must change our minds, get a new understanding of God’s purpose for us and lastly, develop such an intimate relationship with Jesus that we live moment by moment in complete dependence on Him.
Repentance is Changing Your Mind
Without a change of mind there will be no change. In scripture this is called the renewing of the mind. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Rom. 12:2). “That, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind,” (Eph. 4:22, 23). “If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on the earth” (Col. 3:1, 2).
We must program our computer (our brain) with the truth of God so that our operating system (our mind) has accurate data to process. This process of renewal through exposure to the truth needs to be a daily discipline. We must be willing to lay down any preconceived ideas we have held to in order to pursue the truth presented in the Bible.
If you still do not see the desperate need for repentance in the Body of Christ, maybe the following questions will paint a picture for you:
· How many Christians rationalize divorce and sex outside of marriage? Do you?
· How many Christians lie, cheat, gossip, are jealous, greedy, bitter, unkind, unforgiving, have outbursts of anger and justify their sin? Do you?
· How many Christians are so bound by their lifestyle that they are slaves to major indebtedness, work all the overtime they can get and have no time for bible study, attending church with their families or Christian fellowship as they strive for material gain? Are you?
· How many Christians rob their employers through slothfulness, excessive time taken for lunches and breaks, bringing company property home, and poor attitudes? Do you?
· How many Christians have holiness as a goal in their lives to the extent that it affects their everyday language, what they listen to and what they look at―let alone their hearts? Do you?
All of these questions can be summed up in one: How many Christians care about what God cares about more than anything else? Do you? It is time for Christians everywhere to change their minds to God’s way of thinking!
Repentance is a Change in Purpose
The second part of Vine’s definition of repentance is a “change in purpose.” Why did God leave you on this earth? What are you supposed to be doing while you’re here? The answer to purpose is also two-fold.
First of all, everyone who has been “baptized into Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:3) through new birth is destined to be transformed into the same image (II Cor. 3:18). “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined (planned [my paraphrase]) to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren” (Rom. 8:24). Of course, we didn’t receive new bodies or souls at our new birth so we don’t look like Jesus, but we did receive a new spirit. As we renew our minds and allow our spirit to rule our soul (mind, will and emotions), we will start to become like Jesus (II Cor. 4:10-11)―usually ever so slowly. God is not American and He’s not in a hurry!
Please do not try to act like Jesus, you can’t! If you could, you wouldn’t have needed Him in the first place. Your part is to choose His way. His part is to empower you. By faith, just consider His powerful life living in you (Rom. 6:4-8), and depend on His ability for your inability (grace) to change you day by day.
Why on Earth?
One reason the Lord left us on earth―as opposed to bringing us to heaven as soon as we were born again—was to leave us in an environment that would continually present us with the opportunity to choose or reject the path of righteousness. Satan’s presence on earth provides the resistance we need to overcome―to grow up in the Lord―as well as offering the option for unrighteous choices. At times, Satan is allowed to touch our lives in ways we would not choose, ways that may bring despair and disheartenment. These times offer opportunity for our faith to grow through believing God will work all things together for good, no matter how bad the circumstances surrounding us. If we had no opposition in life, we would have no strength of character. Strong north winds develop deep roots.
With these thoughts in mind, our main purpose on earth is to be conformed to the image of Christ while we still have a chance―before receiving glorified bodies. This time of transformation is also training us to rule and reign with Christ forever. The level of maturity you attain on this earth, through dying to your ways and choosing God’s ways, will largely determine what you do for eternity (not heaven or hell, of course, just your heavenly assignment). The secret to success is loving Jesus so much that you can’t stand to live without moment-by-moment communion with Him. Your times of fellowship with Him is the key to transformation. As we behold Him, we become like Him (II Cor. 3:18). If you don’t have this passion for Jesus, then ask your Heavenly Father for it.
Personal Destiny
The second part of a “change in purpose” is your personal destiny. Don’t get hung up on the word ‘destiny.’ All that means is the specific plan God has for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to bring you to an expected end.” Of course, we all want to know the end before we start, but that usually is not the way God works. By walking in moment-by-moment dependence on Him, His plan will gradually unfold. We curious, in-a-hurry-humans have a very hard time doing this, but this walk of faith is necessary for our growth. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5-7 KJV); “…and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). Don’t lose your peace over what God has called you to do. Live one day at a time, loving Jesus and faithfully doing what He has revealed to you. God gives information on a need-to-know basis. When you need to know the next step, He’ll let you know. Rick Godwin explains it this way, “When you’re lost, go back to the last place on the map you were sure of and stay there until you get further instructions.” Meanwhile, in childlike faith, enjoy the life He has given you—enjoy where He has you.
Intimacy is a necessity for a good marriage and the Body of Christ is His Bride. As the Bride of Christ, we should long for personal, quiet times with Him. Your enjoyment in your marriage to Christ will be in direct proportion to the intentional time you spend in intimate fellowship with Him. The development of an intimate relationship with Jesus will bring you to a moment-by-moment, complete dependence on Him.
In contrast to intimacy, Revelation 2:2-5 gives us a picture of what is currently happening in the Body of Christ:
“I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot endure evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them to be false; and you have perseverance and have endured for My name’s sake, and have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lamp stand out of its place - unless you repent.” –Revelation 2:2-5
At first glance, it seems like the church this scripture is addressing is doing all of the right things. They’re working hard for God, and they’re not giving up like other saints. They don’t drink, smoke, or chew, or go with those who do. What more could you ask for? The problem is not what they are doing. They are obviously doing the right things. The problem is that they have diverted their attention from Christ to works done in His name. The phrase “deeds you did at first” could be a little confusing, but let’s think of our first deeds.
In the beginning, we were so in love with Jesus that we didn’t think much about the cares and concerns of this world because we had experienced the One Who loved us when we were still sinners. We loved Him back so totally that we didn’t have to go on ‘visitation’ in order to tell others about Him because we couldn’t keep quiet. We didn’t know enough to teach, preach, lead, and govern the Body, so we had time to just spend with Him and to devour the Word. We didn’t know much about the Bible or doctrine, so we were naïve enough to pray―believing for everything, expecting answers, and leaving the rest up to Daddy. These were some of our first deeds.
Obviously, there is work to be done in order for the Body of Christ to run smoothly, but this can never replace our intimacy with our Beloved or our dependence on Him. It is important to carefully follow His leading as to where and when we are to labor. The continuing need does not constitute a call. It is the Lord’s Body, and it is up to Him to recruit the laborers and finances for His work. Until we adhere to these truths, we will be in danger of falling into the same rut as the church at Ephesus—the rut that diverted their attention away from Christ and toward works done in His name.
A Call to Repentance
God is calling us to repent. He desires for us to live forever with Him, enjoy the abundant life Jesus died to give us, and to rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom. When Christ went to the cross, defeated all Satan had imposed on mankind due to Adam’s fall, and rose from the dead, the Kingdom of God became available to us. Through renewing our minds, seeking God’s purpose for our lives, and nurturing an intimate relationship with Christ, we can begin to experience the Kingdom of God on this earth. As Christ reigns in our hearts, His life and character will begin to be ours in experience.
The church of Jesus Christ is in dire need of repentance. Without a change of mind, purpose, and level of intimacy―in the dark days ahead―there is a danger of falling away for the members of His Body. This is a matter of ‘life and death,’ for, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Prov. 14:12).
Repentance is also crucial for the end-time purposes of God. Without repentance, the Bride will never bear the image of Christ and the world will never see Jesus. He is the only One Who will draw all men unto Himself.
*All scriptures taken from the NASB unless otherwise stated.